Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Blog 2010!

I know alot of people are doing Blogs for the decade but there was too much going on in the last decade to remember so I'm going to keep it simple and keep it 09'. This year had enough to talk about for generations to come.

Let me first speak about Obama. This is the first time in American history the new year is being brought in by a African American president.

In Music Jay-Z colaborated on a new anthem that's kind of catchy.

In Sports that I tune into The Steelers, Lakers and Yankees ruled their respective sports and I believe Kobe is the most dominant athlete currently in all sports.

The best movie I've ever seen in my life just so happened to come out this year as well. I hope you get to see it in 3-D like I was fortunate to be able to. Thanks Sis!

I also would like to mention the passing of a galactic hero named Sir Michael Jackson for if it were not for him the world would lack the imagination in music that only Walt Disney can inspire to children of all ages.

I'd like to end my year with saying I love you all and wish you a Happy New Year all around the world. Some of us are having trying times but believe in whatever God you pray to and keep the faith. We can all learn from each other so don't block your blessings and open your mind to new things for we are one. Thank you for your love you have shown me. I hope I can do enough to show my gratitude in all I do. God bless and let's get ready for more magic in 2010.

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