Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Birthday Blog

Wow I'm 34 today. God has been good to me and I'm grateful for the strength he has blessed me with to deal with the stressors of the world. As we all only get to live once I wouldn't change a thing because I've seen the results and what is, was meant to be. My spirits are not high and they are not low. I'm right in the pocket and that's how I like it. I thank my parents for giving me the tools to succeed indirectly. I'm a handful but I'm God's product and whatever they couldn't show me, he did. The outside world can be cruel and unforgiving so I kinda learned to live in my own space despite what others think of me. I'm gonna strive to keep being the best I can no matter what. I've experienced far too much to not embrace my destiny.

1 comment:

  1. Skeeter:

    Stay in God's pocket. God's Hand is Provision. All that you need to make it through this world and to live with Him when all is done.

    Happy Birthday, Skeeter
